Sophie Kaufhold

Computer Science Student & Web Developer

📍 Catania, Italy | Berlin, Germany

Take a look at some of my projects:

Weather website

Weather App (2023)

I built this interactive weather application using HTML and CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, SheCodes Weather API and GitHub. After having already built a version of it in 2022, I focused on a more minimalistic design this time.

Responsive Portfolio Website (Template)

Building this website template helped me expanding my existing coding knowledge with responsive design techniques (e. g. advanced Bootstrap, Flexbox, multiple page hosting, media queries).

Portfolio website

Weather App

Weather App (2022)

This was my first draft of the weather app. During the development process I gained skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which I was able to refresh one year later while building the more minimalistic version (see above).

Krypto Portfolio Program

In summer/fall 2023 I am going to level up my coding skills with another programming language, namely Python, by building a krypto portfolio program with the help of codegree. As soon as I finish the project, you can find it here.

Krypto Program Project with Python